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The people from this great African nation are also known to excel when exposed to the right environment and have made great impact in the world through art and music.
Nigerians have also made great strides in the field of innovation and inventions that have made the world a slightly better place. Here are five top inventions made by Nigerians;
1) Philip Emeagwali - Program for world's fastest computer
 Dr-Philip-Emeagwali (Credit: How Africa News) |
Born in Nigeria, Philip Emeagwali grew up to become a computer scientist who gained global recognition for his groundbreaking invention. Emeagwali is credited with the invention of the Connection Machine (CM).
This machine uses computational fluid dynamics for oil-reservoir modelling. It utilises 65,000 computer processors linked in parallel to form what is recognised as the fastest computer on Earth - performing 3.1 billion calculations per second, which is faster than the theoretical top speed of the Cray Supercomputer.
2) Seyi Oyesola - Hospital in a box
 Seyi Oyesola (Credit: Glazia) Seyi Oyesola is a Nigerian medical doctor who co-invented what is popularly known as “Hospital in a Box” or CompactOR. As the name implies, Hospital in a box is a mini hospital that is a solar-powered life-saving operating room which can be transported to remote areas of Africa and set up within minutes. The renowned medical doctor gained his inspiration from shortage of power in rural places in Africa. 3) Emeka Nelson - Urine-Powered Generator  Emeka-Nelson (Credit: The Interview Nigeria) Another Nigerian with a notable invention is Emeka Nelson who invented a urine-powered generator. This device converts urine into hydrogen gas, which is then used to produce electricity. Nelson's invention solves two key problems - waste management and energy scarcity. This innovation showcases Nigeria's commitment to addressing environmental challenges through creative and practical means. 4) Otu Oviemo Ovadje - Emergency Blood Transfusion System  Otu Oviemo Ovadje (Credit: Innov8tiv) After years of watching women die from internal bleeding during pregnancy, Otu Oviemo Ovadje, a medical doctor, invented the Emergency AutoTransfusion Device also called the Eatset. This device is used to recover blood from a patient’s internal bleeding organs and then reinfuse the blood back into the patient’s blood system. Dr Ovadje's device works without electricity and forestalls blood loss, especially among pregnant women. 5) Mohammed Bah Abbah - Pot-in-pot Refrigerator  Mohammed Bah Abbah
Using knowledge from his grandmother, Mohammed Bah Abbah invented the pot-in-pot refrigerator - a refrigerating device that does not use electricity. Also known as zeer, this device allows perishable food to extend their shelf life rate. For example, meat can be stored in this device for up to two weeks instead of a few hours. Aside from these notable Nigerians, others recognized globally for their inventions include; Arthur Zang (Cardiopad), Olu Atanda (self-lubricating layer for a data-storage device and disk), Nkiru Nwankwo (Digital drum), Brino Gilbert (Counter Collision Gadget) and Aloysius Anaebonam who holds 12 US patents for inventing different devices among others. In all these inventions, one notable thing to note is that Nigerian inventors have consistently demonstrated their ability to address pressing global challenges through creative thinking and innovation and this cuts across different fields.