
Outrage! Probation officer at Oscar Pistorius' sentencing hearing recommends house arrest and community service?

Oscar Pistorius
CC Legal Minute

A probation officer appearing for the defense at the sentencing hearing of Oscar Pistorius, has recommended that the Olympic blade-runner should not face jail time, but instead serve community service and house arrest.

Now, that is just plain egregious and again speaks to the unbecoming arrogance of Pistorius and his defense team.

As expected, the family of the murdered Reeva Steenkamp as well as the prosecutor Gerrie Nel were extremely angry with the latter describing the suggestion as "shockingly inappropriate".

You can follow the Pistorius sentencing here.

Source: BBC News Africa


God loves Nigeria.....

Former Aviation Minister Femi Fani-Kayode
By Femi Fani-Kayode

God loves Nigeria so much. They created Ebola in their demonic labs for bio weapons. 

They sent the disease to our shores through an insane Liberian but the Lord defended us and refused to allow it to take root in our shores.

The watchers prayed “return to sender” and Ebola was sent back to Houston through another insane Liberian. 

Now they seek to learn lessons from the Nigeria they seek to destroy about how to “contain Ebola."

They refused to label Boko Haram as a terrorist organisation until we begged them to do so and until they had killed 25,000 Nigerians.
They refused to sell us arms to fight the Haramites and when we approached other nations to do so they told them to turn us down.
Yet God was with us, we sourced those arms ourselves and ever since then the tied has turned and our gallant soldiers are winning the war against Boko Haram.
What on earth have we done that they seek to bring us to our knees and decimate our country with terror and disease? Have we not played the fool to them enough and have we not bowed to them on bended knees for the last 54 years? 
Yet they seek to effect their prophecy that chaos must envelop Nigeria and that our country must break up by 2015.
They seek to ensure that we are enveloped in a sea of carnage and fratricidal butchery. In the light of all this numerous questions must be asked? Who is really behind Boko Haram and how come they have more sophisticated arms than the Nigerian military? Who supplies them with those arms and all that training? Is it the same forces that covertly train, arm and supply ISIS, Al Nusra and Daesh and that used them in Syria to topple Bashar Al Assad and in Iraq to push Nouri Al Malaki out of power?
Is it the same forces that created Al Qaeda and commissioned Osama Bin Ladin to push the Soviets out of Afghanistan? Yet whoever these forces are and whatever their evil intentions are for Nigeria one thing is clear- despite all our complexities, self-hate, self-doubt and eccentricities God loves us dearly and we shall not go the way of Iraq, Syria or Libya.
After all this is the land of the Ameyo Adadevoh’s and other brave souls. This is the land where the watchers pray through the night and stand in the gap for their beloved nation and their compatriots. This is the land where, though we pretend to hate one another and we bicker morning, night and day, know the meaning of the word patriotism and whose people know how to worship and praise the one true God. 
The emissaries of the devil, no matter how powerful, how rich and how connected will never destroy us and neither shall the counsel of Satan prevail in our land. Each time they throw a bomb at us. like Ebola, it shall return to sender. Each time they refuse to sell us arms to enable us to defend our people the Lord shall raise others who shall do it in their stead.
The bottom line is as follows: you may hate us and seek to shame and humiliate us but God loves Nigeria and His purpose for our nation, whether you like it or not, shall surely come to pass.


Should blacks be grateful to whites for slavery? Seems the Bible may actually say so.....

CC Video Insight

This guy absolutely does not hold back and it is definitely a video you need to watch, listen to and imbibe with an open mind.

Makes you pause and think for a minute, no question about it.


China overtakes US as world's largest economy

CC Economic News

The International Monetary Fund says China has overtaken the United States as the world's largest economy, according to a report.

The IMF estimates that the size of the US economy is $17.4 trillion, while the Chinese economy comes in at $17.6 trillion, Business Insider reports.

China's share of the global economy is 16.48 per cent, while the United States accounts for 16.28 per cent, the IMF said Tuesday as part of its outlook for the world economic growth.

These figures are adjusted for the relative costs of living in both countries, known as “purchasing power parity.”

As recently as 2005, the Chinese economy was less than half the size of the US economy.

Moreover, the IMF projects that China's economy will be 20 per cent bigger than that of the US by 2019.

China remains the biggest foreign holder of US government debt, holding an estimated $1.27 billion in US Treasury bonds, about 10.6% of the $12 trillion U.S. Treasury market.

The United States accuses China of lowering the price of its exports by manipulating its currency.

Earlier this year, China and Russia agreed to a measure to undercut the domination of the US dollar as the international reserve currency by paying each other in domestic currencies.

Source: PRESS TV 


Nigeria says cash for arms seized in South Africa was 'legitimate' business transaction

President G.E. Jonathan
CC Global News

ABUJA - Nigeria said on Wednesday that $15 million that had been seized by South African authorities in two separate incidents was money for 'legitimate' arms deals, and it urged its rival African power to release the funds.
South Africa froze $5.7 million worth of funds that it had been alerted to as suspicious by Standard Bank, money which was purportedly to buy arms including 50 M-75 cannons and 200,000 rounds of ammunition.
The move followed the seizure last month of $9.3 million in cash from a private jet carrying two Nigerians and an Israeli.
Nigeria, which says it needs the arms to fight an Islamist insurgency raging in the northeast, said both payments were intended for deals between private companies procuring weapons for Nigerian forces.
South Africa's National Prosecutor said in a statement on Tuesday that the latest seizure covered armaments considered 'controlled items', and the deal was being conducted without relevant permits.
The office of Nigeria's National Security Advisor (NSA) Sambo Dasuki, the country's highest security authority, rejected the charge, the latest in a long run of diplomatic spats between Africa's two biggest economies that has soured relations.
"We want to state clearly that a business transaction actually took place between a legitimate company in Nigeria and another legitimate one in South Africa through the bank," NSA spokesman Karounwi Adekunle said in a statement.
He said that the company had not been able to obtain the arms and so tried to refund the money.
South Africa has named the company as Cerberus Risk Solutions. It was not immediately possible to obtain comment from the firm.
The row comes as South Africa and Nigeria are also at loggerheads over the death of 115 South Africans last month in the collapse of a guesthouse attached to a Nigerian church owned by televangelist TB Joshua on Sept 12.
South Africa says Nigeria has refused access to the bodies of the deceased for DNA testing or burial ever since the tragedy, a charge the Nigerians have not responded to.

Source: Reuters

2015 Mercedes-Benz S-Class S600 - Exterior and Interior Walkaround

CC Autodetail

Impressive through and through. German technology, excellence and perfection at its absolute best.

Hopefully, it was not assembled in Alabama. Just kidding.....

Mercedes-Benz S 500 Intelligent Self Driving Car

CC Autoview

On first impression, a great concept brought to reality. But then again, in light of our human antecedents, the hurdles and challenges from several standpoints (legal, technointel continuum etc) remain.....


Patrick Kluivert on shortlist for Ghana coaching job

Patrick Kluivert
CC Global Sports

While Nigeria continues to bask in the mediocrity of Stephen Keshi's tenure as coach of the Super Eagles, the Black Stars of Ghana continue to attract marquee names for its vacant coaching job.

Dutch legend Patrick Kluivert is on the Ghana Football Association's (GFA) five-man shortlist to be the new coach.

The Black Stars have been without a coach since Kwesi Appiah left in September.

The other candidates are ex-Chelsea boss Avram Grant, former Italy midfielder Marco Tardelli, Swiss Michel Pont and Spaniard Juan Ignacio Jimenez.
"Pont, Kluivert and Tardelli will be interviewed in Accra on 17 October, Grant and Jimenez will be interviewed on 18 October," said the GFA.
Former Ajax and Barcelona striker Kluivert, who scored 40 goals for his country in 79 appearances, left his post as Netherlands assistant coach after the World Cup.
The 38-year-old began his coaching career in 2011 at Dutch side Twente, where he looked after the youth and reserve teams.
A year later he became assistant to Netherlands boss Louis van Gaal and the pair led the team to third place at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.
Grant has a wealth of management experience, including a four-year spell in charge of his home country Israel and a year as Chelsea coach.
Italian Tardelli is perhaps most famous for his ecstatic goal celebration in the 1982 World Cup final victory over West Germany. He has since coached, among others, Egypt and was also assistant coach of the Republic of Ireland.
Pont and Jimenez are lesser known names globally. Pont has been Switzerland assistant coach, while the most recent role for Jimenez was coach of Spanish side Valladolid.
The GFA also said two coaches, German Bernd Schuster and Argentine Ricardo Gareca, have been named on standby and will be drafted in the event any of the chosen shortlist is not readily available.
Maxwell Konadu is in charge of the Black Stars in a caretaker capacity and will oversee the team for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers double header against Guinea.
They will play at the Syli Nationale on 11 October in Casablanca, Morocco before hosting the return leg four days later.

Talk about poor taste: New Malaysia Airlines ad asks customers "what they'd like to do before they die....."

CC Cautionary Tale

Malaysia Airlines has provoked a storm of controversy by asking customers to list the things they would most like to do before they die. The airline, which lost two planes this year in disasters that claimed 537 lives, committed the marketing gaffe when it launched a "My Ultimate Bucket List" campaign on Monday.

The campaign called on Australian and New Zealand residents to write their own bucket list and enter it into a competition to win flights to Malaysia and iPads.

But with the world still reeling from the twin catastrophes of the MH370 and MH17 crashes, social media users swiftly began mocking the marketing ploy.

It has since been re-branded around "your ultimate to-do list".

"The competition had earlier been approved as it was themed around a common phrase that is used in both countries," the airline said in a statement.

"The airline appreciates and respects the sentiments of the public and in no way did it intend to offend any parties."

Often associated with the terminally ill, a "bucket list" refers to the places one wants to visit or the experiences one wishes to have before they die.

The aftermath of the twin crashes has reportedly crippled the company financially, with plummeting share prices, near-empty flights and the axing of 6000 jobs fuelling speculation that the company is contemplating filing for bankruptcy.

But the airline described bankruptcy talk as "completely false", saying it would "emerge stronger" after privatisation and restructuring.

Source: Sidney Morning Herald

A pervading culture of gangsterism, lack of accountability and unbecoming arrogance from Aso Rock

President G.E. Jonathan

By The Editor-in-Chief

An adage says that a nation gets the leadership it deserves. In the case of Nigeria, a nation with so much promise, but with so little of it realized thus far, it could not be more apt.

Most neutral observers would however argue that the overwhelming majority of Nigerians are principled, honest and hardworking and thus deserve better.

For over half-a-century since the Federal Republic of Nigeria got its independence from Britain, the country has vacillated between democracy and anarchy, but has somehow managed to steady the ship while still tinkering on the edges of total chaos and ultimate collapse.

When Goodluck Jonathan was sworn-in as Nigeria's 4th democratically-elected President (preceded along those lines by Shehu Shagari, Olusegun Obasanjo and Umar Yar' Adua) and its 14th Head of State, there was so much hope from Nigerians across a divergent spectrum of ethnic nationalities and socio-economic strata.

Unfortunately, three years into Jonathan's reign, the wheels of hope, transparency and progress have essentially fallen off the rickety wagon he (Jonathan) had sold to Nigerians as a sturdy vehicle of purpose, conscience and promise.

There is no questioning the fact that this is the lowest at which Nigeria and the Nigerian psyche have ever been, regardless of the rejigged economic numbers and scattered successes in sports, business as well as the arts and sciences.

While Nigerians are a resourceful and resilient lot, there is a limit to which a people can continually aspire to greatness in all fields of worthy human endeavor with debilitating and spuriously corrupt leadership at the helm.

In Nigeria's over 50 years of existence as a sovereign nation, this President (Jonathan) is without question the most corrupt, inept and repressive the nation has ever been saddled with as a civilian administration, second only to the tyrannical Abacha mal-administration in terms of its repressive and brutish disposition.

Whether it is related to the Boko Haram uprising that has seen a more violent upsurge since Jonathan came into power with over 13,000 Nigerians killed thus far, State Gubernatorial elections, elections into sports associations such as the Nigeria Football Federation, dealing with the opposition or the press, Jonathan's approach has been to misuse organs of State power such as the State Security Service (Secret Police) and Military Intelligence to terrorize and in some cases, silence adversarial voices for good.

Under Jonathan's watch, we have a 'democratically-elected' governor (sponsored and supported by Jonathan's ruling PDP) supervising the physical beating of a judge enshrined with the office of jurisprudence and the legitimate President of the Nigeria Football Federation arrested, humiliated and detained several times by the Secret Police (at the urging of Jonathan's Minister for Sports with obvious orders from Aso Rock), among other innumerable actions that would serve to brand Jonathan as essentially a dictator.

Under Jonathan, the politics of gangsterism has become the daily staple and Nigerians have been the worse for it.

Jonathan must however realize that sooner than later, the winds of corrective recourse and natural retribution will catch up with the perpetrators of injustice and wickedness.

The sooner he pauses to think for a moment with a view to changing course onto a road less traveled but much travailed by men and women of purpose and wise conviction, the better for his diminishing legacy and the future of Nigeria as a corporate entity.

The last thing Jonathan would want to be a signature on his legacy, I believe, is that he was the man that led Nigeria into the abyss of anarchy..... one the nation may never recover from and may ultimately lead to the disintegration of that great nation.

Jonathan is probably at his very core a 'good' man (although prone to parochial and inordinate tendencies), but he is surrounded by ravenous wolves and charlatans.

It is imperative that he acquires the much needed wisdom to change course while time (though preciously little) is still on his and Nigeria's side.